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FireGestures - mouse gesture for firefox

Download Firegestures

A customizable mouse gestures extension which enables you to execute various commands and user scripts with five types of gestures.


  1. Mouse Gestures (Move mouse with holding right-click).
  2. Wheel Gestures (Scroll wheel with holding right-click).
  3. Rocker Gestures (Left-click with holding right-click and vice versa).
  4. Keypress Gestures (Mouse gesture with holding Ctrl / Shift key).
  5. Tab Wheel Gestures (Scrolling wheel on the tab bar).
  6. Install and make your own scripts to add functions.
For more details, please visit the homepage

Here's a demo video:

Scripts used:
  1. Web Search - BrowserSearch.webSearch();
  2. Location Bar - openLocation();
  3. Duplicate Tab (Needed if you have Tab Mix Plus) - gBrowser.duplicateTab(gBrowser.mCurrentTab);
  4. Secure Login (Secure Login Extension) - secureLogin.login();
  5. Search Wikipedia/Google/Yahoo/etc - just change the const url
    (e.g: YAHOO - ")
    NOTE: type "test" to any search engine and after the results are shown copy the URL in the Location bar then change the word test to "FireGestures.getSelectedText()"


    const URL =const URL = "http://search.yahoo.com/search?p="+FireGestures.getSelectedText()+"&ei=UTF8&fr=moz2";
  6. Go to a site - (eg: facebook, myspace, digg...etc)
    const URL = "http://www.facebook.com"
    gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);

    NOTE: just put desired url in the URL variable